Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nas Life Is Good

When you have close to twenty years in the game, you’re considered one of the greatest Mc’s of all time, you have classic songs, albums, features and collaborations, its proven that you can stand the test of time, its proven you can make hits and albums, and sale and sustain a fan base. So when you have done it all, what left do you have to prove, who do you have things to prove to?  Well Nas seems like he was trying to prove to hip hop that age has no effect on his skills, the current climate in hip hop (sales, radio play, ringtone rap, fake fans and short attention spans), and he’s out to prove that he can make a masterpiece and that he’s only getting better with time. Without a lot of fan fare, hype, mix tape appearances or radio play Nas delivers what will arguably be another classic, but also one of his best albums of his career, Life is Good. 

Lyrically its classic NAS, and he is in rare form, at the top of his game, the best he’s been for a whole album since It was Written. . Check the whole album, its too good to really highlight one particular song because their are so many good ones.

Sonically – It’s a throwback feeling, it reminds you of that Golden era hip-hop between 86-96.

The Production is top notch, No I.D, and Salaam Remi (who brings the best out of  Nas), and J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League  put it down

It has high entertainment value, its actually quite addictive

Its original NAS, old school throwback Nas, it’s not what’s hot on pop charts, video, or music stations. But pure artistry

Versatility in every form, different types of songs, beats, flows, styles, artist you name it.

Subject range once again diverse, cuts about some of everything ad something for everyone

Replay value – addictive

Rating – Although it’s what pure hip-hop, pure artistry, and it should change the game, it falls just short of classic.  Its genius masterpiece work, but not simply genius, because of todays days and times, this album will probably never get the recognition, airplay or credit it deserves. It will probably never gain the fan base to cross over to have the impact for it to change the game, as a classic should. Upon first listen you usually know a classic, I’m not sure this is, but a great album, I’m not sure this entire album is timeless, but its definitely a highlight for hip hop and Nas. Its going to be hotly debated, over rather this is classic, and I wont be upset with anybody that feels it should be, and I hope it stands the test of time and I have to write that I was wrong. Its damn near flawless, the chemistry is great, the beats on point, and not a single out of place collaboration or verse.  I give the album a 5 ½ out of 6 stars, not because the album falls short, but because of the space hip hop it self is in, I don’t think this album will change the landscape and the rules of hip hop. It doesn’t break complete new ground and change everything we know. I m not sure its going to inspire cats to step it up, no knock on Nas, but a knock on the culture. Cats are not going to hear this and want to work harder. God I hope I’m wrong tho.

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