Saturday, November 23, 2019

Snoop Dogg - I Wanna Thank Me

I listened to Snoop Dogg's #newalbum - I Wanna Thank Me. It was severely disappointing. I'm positive Snoop has access to better production, the production could have / should have been much much better. The writing was lazy and snoop didn't showcase any lyrical skills. Considering it's Snoop's 17th album I expected a more skillful and veteran approach to the music. The album doesn't jam at all. There aren't a bunch of good songs, the album is entirely too long, the album has a bunch features but not a lot of creative energy. There are a lot big named producers but it's none of their best work. It's a long way from vintage snoop, I mean he has the same flow, but nowhere near the same creativity or passion. He has some solid mature messages, but the album is not entertaining or repeatable at all. I didn't hear any singles or standout songs. I'd give it a D. 

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