Sunday, August 18, 2019

Drake - Care Package

I listened to Drake's #newalbum - Care Package. It was ok, it's a little darker than your normal Drake album, less catchy and not as commercially appealing. It's a compilation of songs he's done as promo,    that didn't end up on an album, etc.  I can see why many of the songs never made the cut and were just in the vault; they lack that extra bounce or whatever element that would make them a go. If you're a Drake fan you'll probably still like them, but if you're not this isn't a project that will make you a fan.

It's listenable, but it's nothing I'd put in heavy rotation. I wouldn't expect to hear it on the radio, or in the club. It's had a few skippable moments on it,  it's not really repeatable. The songs are not really horrible but it's a little bit boring and it lacks excitement. I'm not sure if this will get a lot of radio play or club play, but it wouldn't shock me. I'd give it a C-

#musiccritic #musicreview #albumreview #hiphop #hiphopmusic #newmusic #musicblog #majorlabel

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